Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Forward to action "utilisateur/menu" Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfBasicSecurityFilter" Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeMenu()" Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 2.0 MB | mempeak: 2.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SET NAMES 'utf8' Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 2.0 MB | mempeak: 2.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT facture.NUMFACTURE, facture.NUMROLE, facture.NUMCLIENT, facture.TOTALTTC, facture.NOFACTURE FROM `facture` WHERE facture.NUMCLIENT=405 AND (NUMCLIENT,NUMROLE,NOFACTURE) NOT IN (SELECT NUMCLIENT,NUMROLE,NOFACTURE FROM encaissement) AND NUMROLE>=183 Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 2.0 MB | mempeak: 2.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT DISTINCT facture.NUMFACTURE, facture.NUMROLE, facture.NUMCLIENT, facture.TOTALTTC, facture.NOFACTURE FROM `facture`, `encaissement` WHERE facture.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.ETAT=2 AND facture.NOFACTURE=encaissement.NOFACTURE AND facture.NUMCLIENT=encaissement.NUMCLIENT AND facture.TOTALTTC=encaissement.MONTANTPAYE Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 2.0 MB | mempeak: 2.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT DISTINCT facture.NUMFACTURE, facture.NUMROLE, facture.NUMCLIENT, facture.TOTALTTC, facture.NOFACTURE FROM `facture`, `encaissement` WHERE facture.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.ETAT=1 AND facture.NOFACTURE=encaissement.NOFACTURE AND facture.NUMCLIENT=encaissement.NUMCLIENT AND facture.TOTALTTC=encaissement.MONTANTPAYE Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/menuSuccess.php" Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.001 sec | slow: NO | mem: 4.0 MB | mempeak: 4.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=1923 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 37.5 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 4.0 MB | mempeak: 4.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=141 Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 4.0 MB | mempeak: 4.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT moyenpaiement.ID, moyenpaiement.LIBELLE FROM `moyenpaiement` WHERE moyenpaiement.ID=8 Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 4.0 MB | mempeak: 4.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=1016 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 25.0 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 4.0 MB | mempeak: 4.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=162 Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 4.0 MB | mempeak: 4.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=551 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 35.0 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 4.0 MB | mempeak: 4.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=156 Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 4.0 MB | mempeak: 4.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT moyenpaiement.ID, moyenpaiement.LIBELLE FROM `moyenpaiement` WHERE moyenpaiement.ID=1 Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 4.0 MB | mempeak: 4.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=331 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 30.0 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 4.0 MB | mempeak: 4.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=153 Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 4.0 MB | mempeak: 4.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=87 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 40.0 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 4.0 MB | mempeak: 4.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=148 Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 4.0 MB | mempeak: 4.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=2150 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 30.0 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 4.0 MB | mempeak: 4.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=144 Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 4.0 MB | mempeak: 4.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT client.NUMCLIENT, client.TITRECIVIL, client.NOM, client.PRENOM, client.ADR1, client.ADR2, client.CP, client.VILLE, client.TEL, client.EMAIL, client.NORUE FROM `client` WHERE client.NUMCLIENT=405 Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 5.92 ms (12) Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 22.02 ms (1) Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 47.70 ms (1) Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/menu" 14.28 ms (1) Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/menu" 31.76 ms (1) Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (104827 o) Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Forward to action "utilisateur/menu" Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfBasicSecurityFilter" Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Apr 20 18:37:51 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeMenu()" Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 4.0 MB | mempeak: 4.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SET NAMES 'utf8' Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 4.0 MB | mempeak: 4.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT facture.NUMFACTURE, facture.NUMROLE, facture.NUMCLIENT, facture.TOTALTTC, facture.NOFACTURE FROM `facture` WHERE facture.NUMCLIENT=405 AND (NUMCLIENT,NUMROLE,NOFACTURE) NOT IN (SELECT NUMCLIENT,NUMROLE,NOFACTURE FROM encaissement) AND NUMROLE>=183 Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 4.0 MB | mempeak: 4.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT DISTINCT facture.NUMFACTURE, facture.NUMROLE, facture.NUMCLIENT, facture.TOTALTTC, facture.NOFACTURE FROM `facture`, `encaissement` WHERE facture.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.ETAT=2 AND facture.NOFACTURE=encaissement.NOFACTURE AND facture.NUMCLIENT=encaissement.NUMCLIENT AND facture.TOTALTTC=encaissement.MONTANTPAYE Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 4.0 MB | mempeak: 4.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT DISTINCT facture.NUMFACTURE, facture.NUMROLE, facture.NUMCLIENT, facture.TOTALTTC, facture.NOFACTURE FROM `facture`, `encaissement` WHERE facture.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.ETAT=1 AND facture.NOFACTURE=encaissement.NOFACTURE AND facture.NUMCLIENT=encaissement.NUMCLIENT AND facture.TOTALTTC=encaissement.MONTANTPAYE Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/menuSuccess.php" Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 4.0 MB | mempeak: 4.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=1923 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 37.5 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 6.0 MB | mempeak: 6.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=141 Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 6.0 MB | mempeak: 6.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT moyenpaiement.ID, moyenpaiement.LIBELLE FROM `moyenpaiement` WHERE moyenpaiement.ID=8 Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 6.0 MB | mempeak: 6.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=1016 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 25.0 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 6.0 MB | mempeak: 6.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=162 Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 6.0 MB | mempeak: 6.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=551 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 35.0 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 6.0 MB | mempeak: 6.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=156 Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 6.0 MB | mempeak: 6.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT moyenpaiement.ID, moyenpaiement.LIBELLE FROM `moyenpaiement` WHERE moyenpaiement.ID=1 Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 6.0 MB | mempeak: 6.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=331 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 30.0 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 6.0 MB | mempeak: 6.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=153 Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 6.0 MB | mempeak: 6.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=87 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 40.0 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 6.0 MB | mempeak: 6.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=148 Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 6.0 MB | mempeak: 6.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=2150 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 30.0 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 6.0 MB | mempeak: 6.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=144 Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 6.0 MB | mempeak: 6.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT client.NUMCLIENT, client.TITRECIVIL, client.NOM, client.PRENOM, client.ADR1, client.ADR2, client.CP, client.VILLE, client.TEL, client.EMAIL, client.NORUE FROM `client` WHERE client.NUMCLIENT=405 Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php:409)) Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 357 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php:409)) Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 1.16 ms (12) Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 9.63 ms (1) Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 33.89 ms (1) Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/menu" 11.92 ms (1) Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/menu" 20.68 ms (1) Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Apr 20 18:37:52 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (104876 o) Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Forward to action "utilisateur/menu" Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfBasicSecurityFilter" Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeMenu()" Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.3 MB | mempeak: 1.3 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SET NAMES 'utf8' Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.3 MB | mempeak: 1.3 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT facture.NUMFACTURE, facture.NUMROLE, facture.NUMCLIENT, facture.TOTALTTC, facture.NOFACTURE FROM `facture` WHERE facture.NUMCLIENT=405 AND (NUMCLIENT,NUMROLE,NOFACTURE) NOT IN (SELECT NUMCLIENT,NUMROLE,NOFACTURE FROM encaissement) AND NUMROLE>=183 Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.3 MB | mempeak: 1.3 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT DISTINCT facture.NUMFACTURE, facture.NUMROLE, facture.NUMCLIENT, facture.TOTALTTC, facture.NOFACTURE FROM `facture`, `encaissement` WHERE facture.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.ETAT=2 AND facture.NOFACTURE=encaissement.NOFACTURE AND facture.NUMCLIENT=encaissement.NUMCLIENT AND facture.TOTALTTC=encaissement.MONTANTPAYE Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.3 MB | mempeak: 1.3 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT DISTINCT facture.NUMFACTURE, facture.NUMROLE, facture.NUMCLIENT, facture.TOTALTTC, facture.NOFACTURE FROM `facture`, `encaissement` WHERE facture.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.ETAT=1 AND facture.NOFACTURE=encaissement.NOFACTURE AND facture.NUMCLIENT=encaissement.NUMCLIENT AND facture.TOTALTTC=encaissement.MONTANTPAYE Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/menuSuccess.php" Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.5 MB | mempeak: 1.5 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=1923 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 37.5 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.5 MB | mempeak: 1.5 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=141 Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.5 MB | mempeak: 1.5 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT moyenpaiement.ID, moyenpaiement.LIBELLE FROM `moyenpaiement` WHERE moyenpaiement.ID=8 Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=1016 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 25 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=162 Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=551 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 35 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=156 Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT moyenpaiement.ID, moyenpaiement.LIBELLE FROM `moyenpaiement` WHERE moyenpaiement.ID=1 Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=331 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 30 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=153 Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=87 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 40 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=148 Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=2150 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 30 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=144 Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 2.0 MB | mempeak: 2.0 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT client.NUMCLIENT, client.TITRECIVIL, client.NOM, client.PRENOM, client.ADR1, client.ADR2, client.CP, client.VILLE, client.TEL, client.EMAIL, client.NORUE FROM `client` WHERE client.NUMCLIENT=405 Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 8.89 ms (12) Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 37.52 ms (1) Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 100.11 ms (1) Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/menu" 28.41 ms (1) Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/menu" 70.05 ms (1) Apr 20 18:39:17 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (104574 o) Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Forward to action "utilisateur/menu" Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfBasicSecurityFilter" Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeMenu()" Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.3 MB | mempeak: 1.3 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SET NAMES 'utf8' Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.3 MB | mempeak: 1.3 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT facture.NUMFACTURE, facture.NUMROLE, facture.NUMCLIENT, facture.TOTALTTC, facture.NOFACTURE FROM `facture` WHERE facture.NUMCLIENT=405 AND (NUMCLIENT,NUMROLE,NOFACTURE) NOT IN (SELECT NUMCLIENT,NUMROLE,NOFACTURE FROM encaissement) AND NUMROLE>=183 Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.3 MB | mempeak: 1.3 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT DISTINCT facture.NUMFACTURE, facture.NUMROLE, facture.NUMCLIENT, facture.TOTALTTC, facture.NOFACTURE FROM `facture`, `encaissement` WHERE facture.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.ETAT=2 AND facture.NOFACTURE=encaissement.NOFACTURE AND facture.NUMCLIENT=encaissement.NUMCLIENT AND facture.TOTALTTC=encaissement.MONTANTPAYE Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.3 MB | mempeak: 1.3 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT DISTINCT facture.NUMFACTURE, facture.NUMROLE, facture.NUMCLIENT, facture.TOTALTTC, facture.NOFACTURE FROM `facture`, `encaissement` WHERE facture.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.ETAT=1 AND facture.NOFACTURE=encaissement.NOFACTURE AND facture.NUMCLIENT=encaissement.NUMCLIENT AND facture.TOTALTTC=encaissement.MONTANTPAYE Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/menuSuccess.php" Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.5 MB | mempeak: 1.5 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=1923 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 37.5 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.5 MB | mempeak: 1.5 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=141 Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.5 MB | mempeak: 1.5 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT moyenpaiement.ID, moyenpaiement.LIBELLE FROM `moyenpaiement` WHERE moyenpaiement.ID=8 Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=1016 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 25 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=162 Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=551 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 35 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=156 Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT moyenpaiement.ID, moyenpaiement.LIBELLE FROM `moyenpaiement` WHERE moyenpaiement.ID=1 Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=331 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 30 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=153 Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=87 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 40 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=148 Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=2150 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 30 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=144 Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT client.NUMCLIENT, client.TITRECIVIL, client.NOM, client.PRENOM, client.ADR1, client.ADR2, client.CP, client.VILLE, client.TEL, client.EMAIL, client.NORUE FROM `client` WHERE client.NUMCLIENT=405 Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 1.91 ms (12) Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 4.63 ms (1) Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 26.47 ms (1) Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/menu" 6.37 ms (1) Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/menu" 18.35 ms (1) Apr 20 18:39:18 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (104569 o) Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Forward to action "utilisateur/menu" Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfBasicSecurityFilter" Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeMenu()" Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.3 MB | mempeak: 1.3 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SET NAMES 'utf8' Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.3 MB | mempeak: 1.3 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT facture.NUMFACTURE, facture.NUMROLE, facture.NUMCLIENT, facture.TOTALTTC, facture.NOFACTURE FROM `facture` WHERE facture.NUMCLIENT=405 AND (NUMCLIENT,NUMROLE,NOFACTURE) NOT IN (SELECT NUMCLIENT,NUMROLE,NOFACTURE FROM encaissement) AND NUMROLE>=183 Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.3 MB | mempeak: 1.3 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT DISTINCT facture.NUMFACTURE, facture.NUMROLE, facture.NUMCLIENT, facture.TOTALTTC, facture.NOFACTURE FROM `facture`, `encaissement` WHERE facture.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.ETAT=2 AND facture.NOFACTURE=encaissement.NOFACTURE AND facture.NUMCLIENT=encaissement.NUMCLIENT AND facture.TOTALTTC=encaissement.MONTANTPAYE Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.3 MB | mempeak: 1.3 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT DISTINCT facture.NUMFACTURE, facture.NUMROLE, facture.NUMCLIENT, facture.TOTALTTC, facture.NOFACTURE FROM `facture`, `encaissement` WHERE facture.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.ETAT=1 AND facture.NOFACTURE=encaissement.NOFACTURE AND facture.NUMCLIENT=encaissement.NUMCLIENT AND facture.TOTALTTC=encaissement.MONTANTPAYE Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/menuSuccess.php" Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.5 MB | mempeak: 1.5 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=1923 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 37.5 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.5 MB | mempeak: 1.5 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=141 Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.5 MB | mempeak: 1.5 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT moyenpaiement.ID, moyenpaiement.LIBELLE FROM `moyenpaiement` WHERE moyenpaiement.ID=8 Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=1016 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 25 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.001 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=162 Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.001 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=551 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 35 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=156 Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT moyenpaiement.ID, moyenpaiement.LIBELLE FROM `moyenpaiement` WHERE moyenpaiement.ID=1 Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=331 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 30 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=153 Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=87 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 40 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=148 Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT encaissement.NUMENCAISSEMENT, encaissement.NUMCLIENT, encaissement.NUMMOYENPAIEMENT, encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT, encaissement.MONTANTPAYE, encaissement.NOFACTURE, encaissement.NUMROLE, encaissement.ETAT, encaissement.TRANSACTIONID FROM `encaissement` WHERE encaissement.NOFACTURE=2150 AND encaissement.NUMCLIENT=405 AND encaissement.MONTANTPAYE LIKE 30 ORDER BY encaissement.DATEPAIEMENT ASC Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT role.NUMROLE, role.TITREROLE, role.DATEFACTURE, role.DATEPAIEMENT, role.DATEDEBPERIODE, role.DATEFINPERIODE, role.NUME, role.ADR1E, role.ADR2E, role.CPE, role.VILLEE, role.NOTVAINTRA FROM `role` WHERE role.NUMROLE=144 Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} time: 0.000 sec | slow: NO | mem: 1.8 MB | mempeak: 1.8 MB | memdelta: 0.0 B | SELECT client.NUMCLIENT, client.TITRECIVIL, client.NOM, client.PRENOM, client.ADR1, client.ADR2, client.CP, client.VILLE, client.TEL, client.EMAIL, client.NORUE FROM `client` WHERE client.NUMCLIENT=405 Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 1.34 ms (12) Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 3.23 ms (1) Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 25.39 ms (1) Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/menu" 6.25 ms (1) Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/menu" 18.01 ms (1) Apr 20 18:39:19 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (104569 o) Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "default" (/:module/:action/*) for /utilisateur/deconnexion with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'deconnexion',) Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfBasicSecurityFilter" Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeDeconnexion()" Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {AcadController} Redirect to "http://famille.meyrargues.fr/web/factures_dev.php/" Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 302 Found" Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header "Location: http://famille.meyrargues.fr/web/factures_dev.php/" Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.87 ms (8) Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 3.55 ms (1) Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/deconnexion" 0.40 ms (1) Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (121 o) Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 1.59 ms (9) Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 4.76 ms (1) Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.15 ms (1) Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.54 ms (1) Apr 20 18:39:20 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (36861 o) Apr 20 18:39:21 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Apr 20 18:39:21 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Apr 20 18:39:21 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Apr 20 18:39:21 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Apr 20 18:39:21 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Apr 20 18:39:21 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Apr 20 18:39:21 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Apr 20 18:39:21 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Apr 20 18:39:21 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Apr 20 18:39:21 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" Apr 20 18:39:21 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 1.13 ms (9) Apr 20 18:39:21 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 3.76 ms (1) Apr 20 18:39:21 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.10 ms (1) Apr 20 18:39:21 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 1.94 ms (1) Apr 20 18:39:21 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (36925 o) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 23.30 ms (9) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 179.65 ms (1) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.05 ms (1) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 58.80 ms (1) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (36271 o) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/storage/sfSessionStorage.class.php on line 72 (session_name(): Cannot change session name when headers already sent) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/storage/sfSessionStorage.class.php on line 84 (session_set_cookie_params(): Cannot change session cookie parameters when headers already sent) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/storage/sfSessionStorage.class.php on line 93 (session_start(): Cannot start session when headers already sent) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/request/sfWebRequest.class.php:77)) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 357 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/request/sfWebRequest.class.php:77)) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.57 ms (9) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 9.19 ms (1) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.41 ms (1) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:07:20 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (36302 o) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 33.17 ms (9) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 47.63 ms (1) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 9.02 ms (1) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (36695 o) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 357 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.56 ms (9) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 8.61 ms (1) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.37 ms (1) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:12 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (36742 o) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.53 ms (9) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 1.95 ms (1) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.03 ms (1) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 1.07 ms (1) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (36627 o) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 357 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.56 ms (9) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 8.70 ms (1) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.03 ms (1) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.38 ms (1) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:13:25 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (36678 o) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 5.78 ms (9) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 27.60 ms (1) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 22.17 ms (1) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (36322 o) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 357 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.57 ms (9) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 8.79 ms (1) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.03 ms (1) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.41 ms (1) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:14:22 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (36370 o) Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/storage/sfSessionStorage.class.php on line 72 (session_name(): Cannot change session name when headers already sent) Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/storage/sfSessionStorage.class.php on line 84 (session_set_cookie_params(): Cannot change session cookie parameters when headers already sent) Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/storage/sfSessionStorage.class.php on line 93 (session_start(): Cannot start session when headers already sent) Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/util/sfToolkit.class.php:351)) Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 357 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/util/sfToolkit.class.php:351)) Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 54.68 ms (9) Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 16.39 ms (1) Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 4.15 ms (1) Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:14:58 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (36419 o) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.54 ms (9) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 2.69 ms (1) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 1.36 ms (1) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (36667 o) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 357 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.69 ms (9) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 9.78 ms (1) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.96 ms (1) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:01 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (36718 o) Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 4.44 ms (9) Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 14.14 ms (1) Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 6.79 ms (1) Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37045 o) Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:15:12 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 357 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.56 ms (9) Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 8.71 ms (1) Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.03 ms (1) Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.35 ms (1) Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:13 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37093 o) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 6.00 ms (9) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 24.51 ms (1) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.07 ms (1) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 6.87 ms (1) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37169 o) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 357 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.57 ms (9) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 8.83 ms (1) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.03 ms (1) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.44 ms (1) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:15:30 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37217 o) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (40749 o) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:23:58 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (40799 o) Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/storage/sfSessionStorage.class.php on line 72 (session_name(): Cannot change session name when headers already sent) Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/storage/sfSessionStorage.class.php on line 84 (session_set_cookie_params(): Cannot change session cookie parameters when headers already sent) Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/storage/sfSessionStorage.class.php on line 93 (session_start(): Cannot start session when headers already sent) Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/config/sfConfigHandler.class.php:78)) Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 357 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/config/sfConfigHandler.class.php:78)) Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 221.52 ms (9) Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 58.82 ms (1) Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 8.81 ms (1) Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:22 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37335 o) Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 357 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 5.33 ms (9) Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 21.30 ms (1) Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.03 ms (1) Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 8.18 ms (1) Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:51 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37484 o) Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 357 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.58 ms (9) Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 8.96 ms (1) Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.03 ms (1) Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.49 ms (1) Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:52 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37545 o) Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 357 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.56 ms (9) Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 8.58 ms (1) Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.33 ms (1) Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:58 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37546 o) Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 357 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.58 ms (9) Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 8.98 ms (1) Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.52 ms (1) Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:30:59 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37545 o) Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 357 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.56 ms (9) Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 8.62 ms (1) Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.03 ms (1) Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.38 ms (1) Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:00 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37545 o) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 357 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.62 ms (9) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 9.40 ms (1) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.46 ms (1) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37546 o) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 357 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.75 ms (9) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 11.05 ms (1) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.06 ms (1) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 4.28 ms (1) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:01 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37547 o) Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 357 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.62 ms (9) Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 9.27 ms (1) Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.03 ms (1) Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.50 ms (1) Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:02 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37545 o) Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 357 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.59 ms (9) Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 9.08 ms (1) Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.03 ms (1) Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.57 ms (1) Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:03 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37546 o) Feb 14 22:31:22 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:31:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:31:22 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:31:22 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:31:22 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:31:22 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:31:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:22 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:31:22 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:31:22 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:31:22 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:31:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:22 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:31:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:22 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:22 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (42384 o) Feb 14 22:31:23 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:31:23 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:31:23 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:31:23 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:31:23 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:31:23 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:31:23 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:23 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:23 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:31:23 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:31:23 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:31:23 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:31:23 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:23 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:31:23 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:23 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:23 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:23 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:23 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:23 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:23 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:23 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:23 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (42384 o) Feb 14 22:31:25 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:31:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:31:25 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:31:25 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:31:25 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:31:25 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:31:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:25 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:31:25 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:31:25 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:31:25 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:31:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:25 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:31:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:25 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (42384 o) Feb 14 22:31:27 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:31:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:31:27 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:31:27 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:31:27 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:31:27 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:31:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:27 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:31:27 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:31:27 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:31:27 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:31:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:27 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:31:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:27 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (42384 o) Feb 14 22:31:30 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:31:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:31:30 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:31:30 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:31:30 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:31:30 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:31:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:30 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:31:30 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:31:30 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:31:30 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:31:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:30 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:31:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:30 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (42384 o) Feb 14 22:31:32 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:31:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:31:32 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:31:32 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:31:32 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:31:32 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:31:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:32 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:31:32 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:31:32 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:31:32 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:31:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:32 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:31:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:31:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:31:32 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (42384 o) Feb 14 22:32:30 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:32:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:32:30 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:32:30 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:32:30 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:32:30 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:32:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:32:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:32:30 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:32:30 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:32:30 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:32:30 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:32:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:32:30 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:32:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:32:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:30 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (42384 o) Feb 14 22:32:31 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:32:31 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:32:31 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:32:31 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:32:31 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:32:31 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:32:31 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:32:31 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:32:31 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:32:31 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:32:31 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:32:31 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:32:31 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:32:31 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:32:31 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:32:31 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:31 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:31 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:31 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:31 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:31 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:31 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:31 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (42384 o) Feb 14 22:32:32 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:32:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:32:32 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:32:32 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:32:32 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:32:32 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:32:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:32:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:32:32 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:32:32 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:32:32 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:32:32 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:32:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:32:32 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:32:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:32:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:32 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (42384 o) Feb 14 22:32:44 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:32:44 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:32:44 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:32:44 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:32:44 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:32:44 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:32:44 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:32:44 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:32:44 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:32:44 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:32:44 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:32:44 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:32:44 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:32:44 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:32:44 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:32:44 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:44 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:44 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:44 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:44 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:44 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:44 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:44 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (42726 o) Feb 14 22:32:45 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:32:45 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:32:45 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:32:45 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:32:45 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:32:45 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:32:45 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:32:45 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:32:45 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:32:45 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:32:45 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:32:45 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:32:45 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:32:45 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:32:45 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/cache/factures/dev/config/config_core_compile.yml.php on line 3490 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:32:45 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:45 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:45 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:45 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:45 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:45 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:45 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:45 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (42726 o) Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 357 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 5.47 ms (9) Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 21.92 ms (1) Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 8.69 ms (1) Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:32:46 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37888 o) Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/storage/sfSessionStorage.class.php on line 72 (session_name(): Cannot change session name when headers already sent) Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/storage/sfSessionStorage.class.php on line 84 (session_set_cookie_params(): Cannot change session cookie parameters when headers already sent) Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/storage/sfSessionStorage.class.php on line 93 (session_start(): Cannot start session when headers already sent) Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/config/sfConfigHandler.class.php:78)) Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 357 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/config/sfConfigHandler.class.php:78)) Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 210.98 ms (9) Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 34.27 ms (1) Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.06 ms (1) Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 11.19 ms (1) Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:40:51 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37276 o) Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 357 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 5.42 ms (9) Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 26.25 ms (1) Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 4.80 ms (1) Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:41:18 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37542 o) Feb 14 22:43:32 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:43:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:43:32 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:43:32 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:43:32 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:43:32 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:43:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:43:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:43:32 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:43:32 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:43:32 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:43:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:43:32 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:43:32 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:43:39 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:43:39 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:43:39 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:43:39 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:43:39 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:43:39 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:43:39 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:43:39 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:43:39 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:43:39 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:43:39 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:43:39 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:43:39 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:43:39 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:43:41 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:43:41 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:43:41 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:43:41 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:43:41 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:43:41 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:43:41 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:43:41 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:43:41 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:43:41 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:43:41 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:43:41 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:43:41 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:43:41 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:43:43 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:43:43 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:43:43 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:43:43 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:43:43 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:43:43 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:43:43 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:43:43 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:43:43 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:43:43 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:43:43 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:43:43 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:43:43 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:43:43 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:43:46 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:43:46 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:43:46 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:43:46 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:43:46 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:43:46 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:43:46 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:43:46 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:43:46 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:43:46 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:43:46 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:43:46 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:43:46 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:43:46 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:43:47 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:44:00 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:44:00 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:44:00 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:44:00 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:44:00 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:44:00 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:44:00 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:44:00 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:44:00 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:44:01 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:44:01 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:44:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:44:01 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:44:01 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:44:02 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:44:02 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:44:02 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:44:02 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:44:02 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:44:02 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:44:02 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:44:02 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:44:02 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:44:02 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:44:02 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:44:02 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:44:02 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:44:02 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 358 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header "Content-Type: text/html" Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 5.73 ms (9) Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 22.54 ms (1) Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 8.54 ms (1) Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:44:21 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37619 o) Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 411 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 411 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 411 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 359 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 23.31 ms (9) Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 28.13 ms (1) Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.07 ms (1) Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 6.80 ms (1) Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 411 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:46:27 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37544 o) Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 411 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 411 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 411 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 359 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.57 ms (9) Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 8.82 ms (1) Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.44 ms (1) Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 411 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:46:34 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37606 o) Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 411 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 411 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 411 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 359 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.58 ms (9) Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 9.13 ms (1) Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.51 ms (1) Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 411 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:46:35 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37652 o) Feb 14 22:49:06 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:49:06 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:49:06 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:49:06 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:49:06 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:49:06 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:49:06 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:49:06 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:49:06 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:49:06 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:49:06 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 13.58 ms (9) Feb 14 22:49:06 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 43.85 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:06 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:06 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 9.34 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:06 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37541 o) Feb 14 22:49:07 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:49:07 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:49:07 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:49:07 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:49:07 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:49:07 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:49:07 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:49:07 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:49:07 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:49:07 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:49:07 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.58 ms (9) Feb 14 22:49:07 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 8.99 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:07 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.03 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:07 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.39 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:07 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37602 o) Feb 14 22:49:09 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:49:09 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:49:09 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:49:09 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:49:09 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:49:09 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:49:09 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:49:09 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:49:09 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:49:09 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:49:09 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.57 ms (9) Feb 14 22:49:09 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 8.57 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:09 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.03 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:09 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.27 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:09 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37602 o) Feb 14 22:49:10 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:49:10 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:49:10 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:49:10 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:49:10 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:49:10 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:49:10 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:49:10 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:49:10 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:49:10 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:49:10 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.60 ms (9) Feb 14 22:49:10 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 9.44 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:10 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.03 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:10 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.34 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:10 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37602 o) Feb 14 22:49:11 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:49:11 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:49:11 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:49:11 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:49:11 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:49:11 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:49:11 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:49:11 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:49:11 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:49:11 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:49:11 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.66 ms (9) Feb 14 22:49:11 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 9.49 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:11 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:11 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.62 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:11 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37602 o) Feb 14 22:49:14 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:49:14 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:49:14 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:49:14 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:49:14 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:49:14 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:49:14 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:49:14 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:49:14 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:49:14 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:49:14 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.58 ms (9) Feb 14 22:49:14 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 8.99 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:14 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:14 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.43 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:14 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37952 o) Feb 14 22:49:15 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:49:15 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:49:15 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:49:15 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:49:15 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:49:15 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:49:15 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:49:15 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:49:15 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:49:15 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:49:15 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.58 ms (9) Feb 14 22:49:15 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 8.86 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:15 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.03 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:15 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.46 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:15 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37952 o) Feb 14 22:49:16 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:49:16 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:49:16 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:49:16 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:49:16 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:49:16 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:49:16 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:49:16 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:49:16 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:49:16 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:49:16 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.58 ms (9) Feb 14 22:49:16 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 8.71 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:16 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:16 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.47 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:16 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37952 o) Feb 14 22:49:24 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:49:24 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 358 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 5.80 ms (9) Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 20.99 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 8.28 ms (1) Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:49:25 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37957 o) Feb 14 22:51:49 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:51:49 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:51:49 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:51:49 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:51:49 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:51:49 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:51:49 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:51:49 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:51:49 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:51:49 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:51:49 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 6.01 ms (9) Feb 14 22:51:49 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 22.27 ms (1) Feb 14 22:51:49 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:51:49 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 8.76 ms (1) Feb 14 22:51:49 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37774 o) Feb 14 22:51:50 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:51:51 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:51:51 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:51:51 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:51:51 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:51:51 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:51:51 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:51:51 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:51:51 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:51:51 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:51:51 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.59 ms (9) Feb 14 22:51:51 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 9.11 ms (1) Feb 14 22:51:51 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:51:51 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.51 ms (1) Feb 14 22:51:51 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37774 o) Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 12.67 ms (9) Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 26.28 ms (1) Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.07 ms (1) Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 10.08 ms (1) Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37778 o) Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.59 ms (9) Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 8.93 ms (1) Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.03 ms (1) Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.49 ms (1) Feb 14 22:52:34 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37774 o) Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.57 ms (9) Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 8.73 ms (1) Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.03 ms (1) Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.37 ms (1) Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37774 o) Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.58 ms (9) Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 8.77 ms (1) Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.03 ms (1) Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.36 ms (1) Feb 14 22:52:36 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37774 o) Feb 14 22:52:37 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:52:37 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:52:37 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:52:37 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:52:37 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:52:37 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:52:37 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:52:37 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:52:37 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:52:37 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:52:37 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.63 ms (9) Feb 14 22:52:37 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 9.14 ms (1) Feb 14 22:52:37 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:52:37 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.63 ms (1) Feb 14 22:52:37 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37774 o) Feb 14 22:52:47 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:52:47 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:52:47 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:52:47 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:52:47 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:52:47 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:52:47 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:52:47 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:52:47 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:52:47 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:52:47 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.59 ms (9) Feb 14 22:52:47 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 9.07 ms (1) Feb 14 22:52:47 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:52:47 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.51 ms (1) Feb 14 22:52:47 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37774 o) Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 358 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 6.04 ms (9) Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 21.66 ms (1) Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 8.83 ms (1) Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:52:50 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37779 o) Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 358 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 18.36 ms (9) Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 29.95 ms (1) Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 5.05 ms (1) Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:07 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37544 o) Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 358 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.59 ms (9) Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 8.95 ms (1) Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.03 ms (1) Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.54 ms (1) Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:09 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37606 o) Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 358 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.57 ms (9) Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 8.77 ms (1) Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.03 ms (1) Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.44 ms (1) Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:10 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37606 o) Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [info] {myUser} Automatic user logout due to timeout Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 358 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 0.65 ms (9) Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 10.20 ms (1) Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.03 ms (1) Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 3.95 ms (1) Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:13 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (37343 o) Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php on line 257 (ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time) Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyrarguvc/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 358 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/user/sfBasicSecurityUser.class.php:257)) Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header ": text/html" Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 16.30 ms (9) Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 15.62 ms (1) Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.04 ms (1) Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 4.94 ms (1) Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 410 (preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead) Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyrarguvc/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/yaml/sfYamlInline.php(138) : runtime-created function on line 1 (A non-numeric value encountered) Feb 14 22:54:30 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (36681 o) Feb 17 15:37:07 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Feb 17 15:37:07 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Feb 17 15:37:07 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Feb 17 15:37:07 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Feb 17 15:37:07 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Feb 17 15:37:07 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyecoz/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Feb 17 15:37:07 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyecoz/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 17 15:37:07 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyecoz/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Feb 17 15:37:07 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyecoz/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 336 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyecoz/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php:410)) Feb 17 15:37:07 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Feb 17 15:37:07 symfony [warning] {sfWebDebugLogger} Warning at /home/meyecoz/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 358 (Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/meyecoz/famille/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php:410)) Feb 17 15:37:07 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" Feb 17 15:37:07 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 455.43 ms (9) Feb 17 15:37:07 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 80.56 ms (1) Feb 17 15:37:07 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.11 ms (1) Feb 17 15:37:07 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 27.45 ms (1) Feb 17 15:37:07 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (35846 o) Jun 20 15:25:18 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'index',) Jun 20 15:25:18 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Jun 20 15:25:18 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Jun 20 15:25:18 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeIndex()" Jun 20 15:25:18 symfony [info] {myUser} User is not authenticated Jun 20 15:25:18 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyecoz/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/indexSuccess.php" Jun 20 15:25:18 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyecoz/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Jun 20 15:25:18 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyecoz/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Jun 20 15:25:18 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Jun 20 15:25:18 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" Jun 20 15:25:18 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 575.74 ms (9) Jun 20 15:25:18 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 91.49 ms (1) Jun 20 15:25:18 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/index" 0.15 ms (1) Jun 20 15:25:18 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/index" 22.41 ms (1) Jun 20 15:25:18 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (35291 o) Jun 22 07:05:39 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "default" (/:module/:action/*) for /utilisateur/new with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'new',) Jun 22 07:05:39 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Jun 22 07:05:39 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Jun 22 07:05:39 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeNew()" Jun 22 07:05:39 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyecoz/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/newSuccess.php" Jun 22 07:05:39 symfony [info] {sfPartialView} Render "/home/meyecoz/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/_form.php" Jun 22 07:05:39 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyecoz/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Jun 22 07:05:39 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyecoz/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Jun 22 07:05:39 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Jun 22 07:05:39 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" Jun 22 07:05:39 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 22.05 ms (9) Jun 22 07:05:39 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 59.85 ms (1) Jun 22 07:05:39 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/new" 68.95 ms (1) Jun 22 07:05:39 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/new" 30.54 ms (1) Jun 22 07:05:39 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Partial "utilisateur/_form" 5.61 ms (1) Jun 22 07:05:39 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (41267 o) Jun 22 16:29:27 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "default" (/:module/:action/*) for /utilisateur/oublie with parameters array ( 'module' => 'utilisateur', 'action' => 'oublie',) Jun 22 16:29:27 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" Jun 22 16:29:27 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" Jun 22 16:29:27 symfony [info] {utilisateurActions} Call "utilisateurActions->executeOublie()" Jun 22 16:29:27 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyecoz/famille/apps/factures/modules/utilisateur/templates/oublieSuccess.php" Jun 22 16:29:27 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with "/home/meyecoz/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Jun 22 16:29:27 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render "/home/meyecoz/famille/apps/factures/templates/layout.php" Jun 22 16:29:27 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Jun 22 16:29:27 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" Jun 22 16:29:27 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 30.79 ms (9) Jun 22 16:29:27 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 75.26 ms (1) Jun 22 16:29:27 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "utilisateur/oublie" 0.08 ms (1) Jun 22 16:29:27 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View "Success" for "utilisateur/oublie" 31.72 ms (1) Jun 22 16:29:27 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (33299 o)